Saturday, December 9, 2017

‘The Country of Sunlight, The Village of Milkweed’

‘The Country of Sunlight, The Village of Milkweed” someone asked if there was any here is the Milkweed.  Still not done...but I can finish when the semester is over.  The last layer will have to come from my minds eye.... really still challenging to invent the girl…
Here is my latest version of her face and a few more…teaching an overload - messy studio....can't wait to get in there and do some winter studies!

I wanted to make her face express both peace and sober awareness.  I know it’s not done yet… it is difficult to invent her face without anything but what is in my minds eye.


  1. Oh my. . .enjoy this series so much. The portrait reminds me of a combination of MaryEllen and Martha!

    1. Thank you Annabananna...I am not sure who you are but I so appreciate the enthusiasm! Yes, the girl started as Mary Ellen...she stood for me on the ledge and then she left...I kept painting the milkweed but had to invent the model...I havent worked on this since summer so the rest will be finished sometime in the studio! Cheers! Bethann

  2. Oh my, just finding this. . .its me Ann Engelman. . .your fan, always. This is such a great treat, a series of “portraits” of our work. Always enjoy your posts and insights.
