I am very happy to be presenting at the Aldo Leopold Building a Land Ethic Conference this summer. It is so inspiring to be around so many bright minds who are learning about and promoting harmony between people and the natural world. If you are thinking about attending, here is the link to the
Workshop and Conference (if you scroll down you can see the one I am offering).
Two Hour Workshops (2:00 – 4:00)
Mode of Inquiry: Drawing from Direct Observation ($5)
Using a reed pen and walnut ink, participants will be guided in a drawing exercise, from direct observation. We will draw natural organisms both life scale and microscopic. While drawing, ideas regarding “ideation through observation,” “wonder as a catalyst for action” and “embodied intelligence” will be introduced. The session will conclude with a group discussion of the drawings and how through drawing the natural world, one can glean scientific information, poetic expression, increase curiosity and inspire innovations. At a time when our culture is immersed in mediated experiences and knowledge based approaches, this exercise rekindles an intimate discovery of the complexity and order of the natural world that is often taken for granted. Each participant will leave with a drawing driven by discovery, personal fascination and will potentially open new modes of inquiry. No skill in drawing is required. Limit 25.